Living Soils is an international initiative of articulation and integration between the public and private sectors, aimed at identifying and proposing concrete solutions to strengthen the soil health agenda and the transformation of agri-food systems.
The initiative is led by IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture) and the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center (CMASC) of Ohio State University (USA).
It counts with the technical guidance of Prof. Rattan Lal, who is a Goodwill Ambassador and IICA Chair in Soil Sciences. He was also winner of the World Food Prize 2020 and co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, of which he was a member.

"This is a great platform to bring the public and private sectors together in the search for concrete solutions for the transformation of our agri-food systems, promoting soil health and ecosystem services that are essential for the maintenance of life.”

Manuel Otero
Director General of IICA, 2018-2026
Founding partners

Key partners
In addition to the CMASC, private sector entities such as Bayer, PepsiCo and Syngenta are included, as well as technical cooperation mechanisms, including the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO), the Cooperative Program for Agrifood and Agro-Industrial Technology Development of the Southern Cone (PROCISUR) and the Inter-American Commission for Organic Agriculture (CIAO). Other partners are in the process of joining.

“Soil health is critical to world peace, stability and tranquility”
Rattan Lal
To manage high-level knowledge to guide the Region's transformative actions towards a soil health approach and the promotion of public policies and successful actions developed by the countries to share, adjust and validate methodologies and technologies to improve ecosystems services.
Support member countries in expanding their capacity to disseminate public policies and successful experiences.
Act as a major regional articulator to advance the soil health agenda and implement actions in the countries.
Strengthen the dialogue with multi-sectoral actors, including international agencies and the private sector to develop national and regional projects.

Living Soils can only be achieved through mutual collaboration
Resources and
Check the latest events and publications of the initiative Living Soils of the Americas